September 17, 2024


Web 1.0 was the phase where people came together via the internet and it was the latest way of connecting. It was soon moved up to Web 2.0 wherein people shared a joint economy. This revolutionalised the way that brands interacted with the audience and targeted them with creative content via social media platforms. We are now moving onto the era of Web 3.0 which will eliminate any boundaries of connectivity.

So how are brands going to adapt to it?

Every depiction of emotion is now with the help of emoticons that help express better and brands are likely to find a way to express and relate to such virtually expressed emotions. These brands can now take the opportunity of collaborating and advertising themselves through games. The virtual worlds could give them a platform to connect to the audience and explore a wide range of marketing through designing products for the user’s avatar. Such possibilities have been explored by a few brands that are uniting with highly ranked games.

Marketing through lenses on platforms like Snapchat allows brands to explore augmented reality. The shot up digital currency and NFT’s are also a step into the metaverse that is explored by brands like Coca-Cola.

For now, Metaverse has not completely taken over. However, it is no secret that we will soon be completely surrounded by Web 3.0. This is the right time for brands to explore their boundaries of creativity and come up with solutions that will match the level of what is now expected of them. Gamification is currently the most welcoming method of connecting with the audience and working in a virtual environment.

Let’s wait and witness the massive changes that the brands will bring to the digital marketing world and make connectivity seamless.

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