While the deteriorating economy has led to lockdown restrictions being eased slowly, most countries have still made it mandatory to wear masks while going out in public to hinder the spread of the virus. The problem is that a majority of people show absolute apathy for this law and they either don’t wear a mask at all or wear it wrongly. Several people wear it without covering their noses, some wear it on their chins and some even wear it on their necks. Several influential people have also been spotted wearing their masks incorrectly which encourages others to do the same and this is counterproductive to the efforts taken against the virus.

To raise awareness about this, the leading Brazilian newspaper called Correio da Bahia reached out to the agency Propeg to create a print ad for their campaign called ‘There’s No Reason’. They created a bizarre rendition of the human face to satirically point out to people that the way they are wearing their masks would only make sense if they had a face like that, thus, urging people to wear their masks properly.